Year: <span>2008</span>


Cores 1+4: The Documents for The Survival Simulation. Copy them over to your own google docs and share them with your group. (Only one person from the group should do this so that you don’t end up with duplicate copies.) The Cast The Goals What-If’s I am out teaching teachers …


Core 1: Talk about survival simulations. (Print off a new copy of the PDF if you need one.) What is required? Who is in your group? What are the first steps? Extensions: Start to brainstorm (and write down) who your character is in the survival simulation. Core 2: Level-Two words, …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: How did The Shakers peel back the veneer of life? What are life’s essentials? Is there beauty in simplicity, in organization or is there beauty in complexity and chaos? Extension: Write a paragraph about a day in the life as an individual with only the survival layer …

Observation with teacher.

I had the pleasure of observing another teacher in my school today who teaches the 8th grade. We are creating a partnership of practice (or something with less alliteration) so that we can find out exactly what good teaching looks like from different personalities, in different classrooms, with different demographics. …


Cores 1+4: Personal Curriculum case studies: Putsal How is this authentic? What do you think they learned through their experience? Training a horse How should she have shown that she learned something? The Five Senses Is this too small to be personal curriculum? Check-in on Personal Curriculum. Extensions: Continue to …

Mini PD

Although this is not my regular mode of blog posts, I have found that it provides an outlet for the PD that would normally just be within a given context, but that other people might find useful. I created these images for eDCSD, the Online School for Douglas County. Feel …


Core 1: Write-on: Start looking at enclave societies. Is it possible to separate yourself from society and still be a part of it? Is it better to be steadfast in your beliefs if it means not being a part of progress (moving forward)? Extension: Would you have wanted to join …

Mini VoiceThread PD

Quite a few teachers have been asking me about how to use voicethread because they see the real potential that digital storytelling of this nature can have on the classroom and on learning. A few, however, have been delayed in trying it because of technical difficulties. Although there a much …


Core 1: Write-on: Finish reading the French Utopians section, and start looking at enclave societies. Is it possible to separate yourself from society and still be a part of it? Is it better to be steadfast in your beliefs if it means not being a part of progress (moving forward)? …