Month: <span>March 2008</span>


Core 1+4: Write-on: How does having a rational or irrational population influence your utopia? Response to discussion: The concept that Edward Bellamy (the author of Looking Backwards) was trying to get through to the reader was that in their society it didn’t have a reason for anyone to rebel. In …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: Examples of Outstanding Wiki Contributions so far: Arcatia’s use of Newspaper Articles and Seals Shouyou’s use of a National Anthem Oscar’s use of Ninja Text Book Discussion Using Utopia Wiki Extensions: Work on your Utopia. Comment on another Utopia. Core 2: Write-on: Finish Presentations. Check out Last …


Core 1: Discuss-on: Start work on your Utopia and fleshing out your presence on the wiki. Once we have content, we can make use of the commenting feature. Extensions: Continue to work on your utopia/wiki. Make sure your Reaction Novel is complete for Friday. Core 2: Write-on: Survival Simulation Presentations: …


Cores 1+4: Discuss-on: Share what you liked from last year’s wiki. Tutorial of this year’s wiki and responsibilities for the project. How do you edit a page? How do you create a new page? How do you link? How do you insert a picture? How do you embed media? Extensions: …


Cores 1+4: Fleshing out Origin: What are all of the ideas that a utopia/society can be based upon? What ideas were the basis for the societies in your reaction novels? How do your originating ideas influence every aspect of utopia? Start to write the story of your origin as someone …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: Run through outstanding items for last quarter: Utopia Wiki Reaction Novels What are all of the aspects of a utopia that you could create? Why would you create them? How would you create them? What details are important to telling the story of your utopia? How do …


Cores 1+4: Prepare-on: If you have a digital artifact (Voicethread, Powerpoint, Google Doc, etc.), put a link to it on this page. Introduce your Personal Curriculum and how to get to it (see it or find it on the web) Give feedback on other’s Personal Curriculum projects: Ask questions. Tell …

Podcast: It’s All Happening

This podcast is all about how budget cuts and justifying every expenditure does not have to stop the process of creation and respect for that process. What has been your experience? Links from podcast: Kevin Honeycutt Essdack Voicethread Freakazoid1’s Blog Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS