Month: <span>August 2007</span>


Core 1: Write-on: Translate five of your authentic topics into inauthentic prompts. What is the difference in the wording of an authentic topic vs. inauthentic prompt? Discover how we can go from inauthentic prompts to authentic topics How can you attack an inauthentic prompt? What do you owe an authentic …


Core 1: Write-on: What was the worst writing prompt that you have ever encountered? Why? Collect and mildly discuss top-5 and book meme handouts. [flash] Brainstorm the differences between an authentic topic and an inauthentic prompt? What were you able to accomplish with the authentic piece that you couldn’t …


Core 1+4: Sign the Discovery Online Code. Create Blog Account Set-up your blog and your user account for your blog. If you missed any steps in how to do this, here is the tutorial. Figure out which theme you want for your blog. Write Down the theme name you want …


Core 1: Go directly to Room 107 with an AR book. Finish MAP testing Discuss grading of Ocean Question essays. If time permits What does your top-5 paper say about you as a person? Extensions: Read your AR Book. Core 2: Go Directly to room 107 with an AR Book. …


Cores 1+2: Map Reading Test in Room 107. Please bring your AR book. Extensions: Read your AR book. Core 3: Write-on: What’s in a username? Answer any questions that the sub left unattended. Self-assess your Identity Document and turn it in. Write down on your notecard the following: Your name …


Cores 1+4: Guided Write-On: Fill out the book meme handout. book-meme.doc Check AR Contracts Go to the library with your ID Card and a good idea of what kind of book you are looking for. Extensions: Have a good book checked out from either the LMC or your local library …


Core 1: Write-on: Where do you feel most safe? AND Where do you feel most engaged (excited, elated, energetic)? Why aren’t these the same places? (If they are the same place, explain how this can be.) Use Google Documents to edit the Discovery Online Code using the Academyofdiscovery account. AR …