Learning is Change

I’m so excited to talk about how teachers and leaders are doing PD over this summer. We are going to have a great…

I’m so excited to talk about how teachers and leaders are doing PD over this summer. We are going to have a great roundtable tomorrow, and I would love to have as many folks as possible think through what it looks like for them.

Here is the google doc to put your info: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable 

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

Once you RSVP, please put your info on the Planning Doc: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

Roundtable Audience

The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. 

Roundtable Purpose:

The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the things we could be doing during the non-instructional time of “the summer” to choose our own paths through professional learning. Choice is an essential element of any teacher or leader’s summer, and if we don’t choose wisely, the summer will be over before we really get to learn what it is we most want to. 

I’m so excited to talk about how teachers and leaders are doing PD over this summer.

I’m so excited to talk about how teachers and leaders are doing PD over this summer. We are going to have a great roundtable tomorrow, and I would love to have as many folks as possible think through what it looks like for them.

Here is the google doc to put your info: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable 

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

Once you RSVP, please put your info on the Planning Doc: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

Roundtable Audience

The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. 

Roundtable Purpose:

The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the things we could be doing during the non-instructional time of “the summer” to choose our own paths through professional learning. Choice is an essential element of any teacher or leader’s summer, and if we don’t choose wisely, the summer will be over before we really get to learn what it is we most want to. 

Thank you so much for RSVP’ing for the event.

Thank you so much for RSVP’ing for the event. I’m so looking forward to discovering how each of you are planning on making your own PD plan for the summer. Please go in today and place your info on the planning doc so I know who would like to be on the panel and who would like to be a viewer: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

“See” you all soon!

Zac Chase

Savinay Chandrasekhar 

K. Michelle Howell-Martin 

Melissa Torres

Richard Cassella

Michelle Moloney King 

Tanya Roscorla

Jacki Sloan

Jessica Raleigh

Derrick mcneill

Ryan Smith

Ian O’Byrne

Robert Schuetz

Michelle Eckstein

Jeff Gerlach

Crystal Midlik

Porter Hill

Scott MacClintic

Ron Houtman

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

Once you RSVP, please put your info on the Planning Doc: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

Roundtable Audience

The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. 

Roundtable Purpose:

The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the things we could be doing during the non-instructional time of “the summer” to choose our own paths through professional learning. Choice is an essential element of any teacher or leader’s summer, and if we don’t choose wisely, the summer will be over before we really get to learn what it is we most want to. 

Thank you so much for RSVP’ing for the event. I’m so looking forward to discovering how each of you are planning on…

Thank you so much for RSVP’ing for the event. I’m so looking forward to discovering how each of you are planning on making your own PD plan for the summer. Please go in today and place your info on the planning doc so I know who would like to be on the panel and who would like to be a viewer: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

“See” you all soon!

Zac Chase

Savinay Chandrasekhar 

K. Michelle Howell-Martin 

Melissa Torres

Richard Cassella

Michelle Moloney King 

Tanya Roscorla

Jacki Sloan

Jessica Raleigh

Derrick mcneill

Ryan Smith

Ian O’Byrne

Robert Schuetz

Michelle Eckstein

Jeff Gerlach

Crystal Midlik

Porter Hill

Scott MacClintic

Ron Houtman

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

Once you RSVP, please put your info on the Planning Doc: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

Roundtable Audience

The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. 

Roundtable Purpose:

The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the things we could be doing during the non-instructional time of “the summer” to choose our own paths through professional learning. Choice is an essential element of any teacher or leader’s summer, and if we don’t choose wisely, the summer will be over before we really get to learn what it is we most want to. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in this great roundtable. Here are the things you can do to continue the…

Thank you to everyone who participated in this great roundtable. Here are the things you can do to continue the conversation:

Continue to edit and contribute to the collaborative document: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

Submit your reflection for a badge: http://badges.p2pu.org/en/badge/view/442/ 

Create your own roundtable: http://bit.ly/createroundtable

Roundtable Audience

The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. 

Roundtable Purpose:

The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the things we could be doing during the non-instructional time of “the summer” to choose our own paths through professional learning. Choice is an essential element of any teacher or leader’s summer, and if we don’t choose wisely, the summer will be over before we really get to learn what it is we most want to. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in this great roundtable.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this great roundtable. Here are the things you can do to continue the conversation:

Continue to edit and contribute to the collaborative document: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

Submit your reflection for a badge: http://badges.p2pu.org/en/badge/view/442/ 

Create your own roundtable: http://bit.ly/createroundtable

Roundtable Audience

The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. 

Roundtable Purpose:

The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the things we could be doing during the non-instructional time of “the summer” to choose our own paths through professional learning. Choice is an essential element of any teacher or leader’s summer, and if we don’t choose wisely, the summer will be over before we really get to learn what it is we most want to. 

How Are You Defending The New And Promoting The Good?

In this podcast episode I explore how it is that we communicate about new projects that we are working on. I pose the question of how we defend those new projects, promote good things that are happening within our schools and districts, and how it is that we engage people in the process of conversation and communication so that it garners their attention.

If you have thoughts, please leave a comment on this post.

How Are You Defending The New And Promoting The Good?

What I'm Learning: How to make a school-level EdCamp Work

Special thanks to Jay Vean, who made this happen in Cherry Creek. I can’t wait to see more schools adopting this model for their PD.

Redesigning Education Through Technology: The EdCamp PD Model: Have a Go

Last week my colleagues and I organized a morning of powerful professional learning for an elementary school in our district.  It took very little planning, everything went great, and the teachers were very happy.  Hard to believe?  Believe it.  This was all courtesy of the EdCamp model.  To clarify, our morning was more of a modified EdCamp model, but either way it was terrific.  Here’s how the process played out.