I wonder if this hack works in HoAs… I would love to use less memory whenever I have 10 people in there.
Originally shared by Bruce Turner
Want to force WebRTC in a Hangout and not use that resource hogging plugin? Simply add the following to the end of the URL of the Hangout ? lantern=1 then hit Enter which will refresh the Hangout. Works great for me.
*After you RSVP for the event, put your info into the planning doc:* http://bit.ly/shareroundtable
*Audience for Roundtable:* This roundtable is for any teacher or leader who has ever wanted to share something publicly and stopped themselves from doing it. This roundtable is for any educator who has struggled with just what to share and how to connect their classroom or school to the wider world.
*Roundtable Purpose:* The purpose of this roundtable is to discuss all of the ways in which we should be sharing our work as educators. We will also be diving into what privacy concerns and concerns for "learning in private" we must consider as we move into a world of radical transparency for schools.
I am so amazed by all of the wonderful proposals from teachers in Project Cam Opener (opening classrooms and schools through video and video conferencing).
If you ever wondered what innovation is happening in the classroom right now, this is it!
If you have a few minutes, go in and rate a few proposals to show the global reach of these teachers’ ideas.
I just wanted to share just how excited I am about how many of you have already sent out requests for folks to rate your proposals. Thus far we have had 75 ratings come in from 5 different states.
I am most happy about the fact that many of you have taken the opportunity to send your proposal to your principals and parents. I think that getting their buy-in this early is huge! I would encourage everyone who hasn’t yet done this to go for it!
Also, I have created a web application for you to rate your fellow participants’ proposals more quickly and efficiently. Essentially, it lest you select amongst all of them and then open their proposal and their special link to the ratings form.
I encourage you to rate each others’ by starting with scrolling down to the bottom of the list (those are the ones that haven’t been rated yet).