Learning is Change

This is my Colorado Education Circle.

This is my Colorado Education Circle.

Is there anyone that is noticeably missing?

I’d love to find a way to do semi-regular hangouts with folks to talk about issues of importance for Colorado’s learners. Any thoughts on that as well?

Michael Wacker Bud Hunt Karl Fisch Alison Saylor Michelle Bourgeois Kyle Addington Diane Lauer Dale H. Downing Brian W. Todd Deanna Duray Matthew Woolums Tammy Worcester Jacqueline Hotchkiss James Folkestad Cory Pavicich Sandi Rethage Ryan McClintock Kendra Wilhelm Michelle Eckstein Raymond Johnson Benjamin Everson Kristy Lathrop Deanna Dykstra Kevin Brooks Rick Tanski Dan Magyar someone somewhere Scott Elias Juan M Julie Cunningham jeremy collins

Nice find from Kyle Pace

Nice find from Kyle Pace

I hadn’t seen this one, but some really cool ideas in here

Originally shared by Kyle Pace

Having fun with this interactive writing and storytelling tool!


I just unsubscribed to every blog in my Google Reader.

I just unsubscribed to every blog in my Google Reader. I just wasn’t reading them because I was so afraid of the massive deluge of information.

So, now I would like to use Google+ to see what blogs are worth resubscribing to?

Anyone care to share one or two that should be staples of my reader?

Maximizer – Make any app a full screen app in Lion


“Maximizer is Lion’s full-screen apps, but for every app. It adds support for Lion’s full-screen to apps like Chrome and Firefox (which haven’t yet been updated to support it) as well as ones like TextMate, which might never gain that support. It should work with any Cocoa app, but not Carbon ones.”


So… for those looking for some great content in Google+, I have to say that the stuff that Tzvi Pittinsky has been putting out there the last few days really pushes me to think and to enjoy good conversation. Circle him, would ya.