So. I didn’t know this site existed before now. Pretty cool way to host a video discussion. Kind of exactly what I was looking for. Also, mobile app is pretty good too.
If you wanted to have a video threaded discussion using webcams, what would I use to do so (web apps would be ideal,…
If you wanted to have a video threaded discussion using webcams, what would I use to do so (web apps would be ideal, especially if I could embed the recorder/discussion into my website)? has some interesting projects, but I don’t think that any of them work quite like a I want this to.
Anyone want to collaborate on a drawing between iPads and computers around the world?
Anyone want to collaborate on a drawing between iPads and computers around the world?
Anyone played with It is by far the best collaborative whiteboard I have seen. Comments,…
Anyone played with It is by far the best collaborative whiteboard I have seen. Comments, specifically are awesome.
Anyone played with
Anyone played with It is by far the best collaborative whiteboard I have seen. Comments, specifically are awesome.
A cool webinar opportunity for writers and teachers alike.
A cool webinar opportunity for writers and teachers alike.
Originally shared by Cheryl Rainfield
YA author Nora Olsen (The End: Five Queer Kids Save The World) will be doing a webinar: called The Kids Are Alright: Lesbian and Bi Young Adult Novels on Saturday, October 1. A lot of readers don’t know that there are many YA novels with lesbian and bisexual main characters. Nora Olsen will take you through the history of lesbians in YA, from the “tragic” plots of the 1970′s to the diverse stories of today. Learn what are some of the iconic lesbian/bi YA classics and some of the best contemporary titles. Discover what these books mean to teenagers who are coming out. And find out what it takes to write a YA novel yourself. Nora will tell you about the market for YA, which is one of the few sectors in publishing that is currently growing, and give information on both LGBT-specific and mainstream publishers.
Interested? Register:
I’m in the mood to learn from some new folks today.
I’m in the mood to learn from some new folks today.
Now that search works, if anyone is searching for the following terms and are so inclined, leave a comment and I would love to add you to a circle.
About – Do Lectures
Kinda like Tedx or Ignite, but more oriented around action and getting things done to change the world. Nice.
” The idea is a simple one— that people who Do things can inspire the rest of us to go and Do things, too. So each year we invite a set of people down here to come and tell us what they Do. They can be small Do’s or big Do’s or just extraordinary Do’s. But when you listen to their stories, they light a fire in your belly to go and Do your thing, your passion, the thing that sits in the back of your head each day, just waiting, and waiting for you to follow your heart.
To go find your cause to fight, your company to start, your invention to invent, your book to write, your mountain to climb. The one thing the Doers of the world Do, apart from Do amazing things, is to inspire the rest of us to go and Do amazing things too. They are fire-starters.”
And… interesting stuff.
And… interesting stuff.
Originally shared by Dianne Rees
A great discussion of the history of ADDIE which makes the point that ADDIE should be viewed as a “plug-and-play” model–use judiciously and add or emphasize components as needed. The figure shown here is a good way to look at the model-as a circle vs as linear. Of course, the whole topic of ADDIE has been extremely polarizing as can be seen in this 2009 debate: