Category: <span>Blogging Projects</span>

#C4C15: More Trust is NOT the Answer: A Co-Blog with Ann Rose Santoro (@Arsant10) — Medium

Trusting teachers is essential. How we get there is still up for debate. I really like the ways in which you have dissected the building of trust. The Vulnerability and Accountability sections are particularly spot on when I look at the biggest shifts that we might be driving toward in …

#C4C15: Professional: Development vs. Learning | Outside the Education Box

The people that you are at the PD buffet with matter. Those who support you in making better choices are better than those that keep you going back for the same items again and again. I think the most important aspect of what you have identified is that you do …

#C4C15: Professional: Development vs. Learning | Outside the Education Box

The people that you are at the PD buffet with matter. Those who support you in making better choices are better than those that keep you going back for the same items again and again. I think the most important aspect of what you have identified is that you do …

#C4C15: Teachers as Technology Trailblazers: Drawing the Line Between Success and Mastery #ASCD15

Kristen Swanson models reflection better than almost anyone else I know. I find myself trying to rationalize this journey all of the time. But, it isn’t that I need a better answer to why I engage in community the way that I do, but rather it is that I need …

#C4C15: Innovations in Education – Backwards Planning Professional Development for 1:1

Setting goals for teachers is hard. First, I think these goals are brilliant. In particular, I think these goals are some of the best that I have seen for PD: 1. What is possible to do with technology that could not be done without it 2. Understand that learner questions …

#C4C15: Nocking The Arrow: A Relevance Recipe For Educators

This metaphor is wonderful for creating a relevant educator. I just wonder if we need to keep on recommending tools or if we can recommend ideas and approaches that are supported by tools. Your metaphor for relevance in the classroom is wonderful. While most of my salads have fewer ingredients …

#C4C15: 1:25 iPad Classroom – A Creative Model | Dukelyer

Sometimes the right ratio of devices to kids is 1:25. And when done well, it can still be pretty transformational for the learning environment. I really like the way in which you have framed the usage of a single device in the classroom. It isn’t about doing everything with it …