#C4C15: More Trust is NOT the Answer: A Co-Blog with Ann Rose Santoro (@Arsant10) — Medium

#C4C15: More Trust is NOT the Answer: A Co-Blog with Ann Rose Santoro (@Arsant10) — Medium

Trusting teachers is essential. How we get there is still up for debate.

I really like the ways in which you have dissected the building of trust. The Vulnerability and Accountability sections are particularly spot on when I look at the biggest shifts that we might be driving toward in creating more trust.

However, I am really struggling with the idea that we can’t simply look at our current actions and ask if they are building or destroying trust. If they are building trust, we should do more of them. If they are destroying trust, we should stop them. Do we need it to be more complicated than that?

While I would agree that we cannot create a blanket unquestioning trust, I do believe that trusting teachers can be a default stance rather than a default stance of distrust. We can build from here, rather than starting from scratch with every teacher.

More Trust is NOT the Answer: A Co-Blog with Ann Rose Santoro (@Arsant10) — Medium.

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