Category: <span>Blog</span>

What we knew about Despotism and Democracy in 1946, we should know now.

I love public domain footage. It is one of the ways that I can easily look into the past to see what we valued as a society. It is also a way to see how we have grown and changed over the years. And sometimes, looking at this footage is …

The Music I Used to Make – Personal Digital Graveyard #2

I used a PC laptop in college. It initially ran Windows Millennium Edition (considered by many to be the worst Windows release), but was later upgraded to Windows XP. I typed academic papers on this computer. I read Karl’s Corner (Weezer news) on it too. And even though I am …

Newsletters for Truth

Email is simultaneously the default operating system for work and the cluttered antithesis of all productive activity. The convenience of having a single “inbox” for all of the messages that I might need is so seductive that I have subscribed to many different news resources that I regularly read. This …

Apocalypse Soon

I have been watching a lot of (post-) apocalypse movies and television shows. I watch them because I find them both comforting and terrifying. Comforting because I know that our world has not actually devolved into killing one another for food or shelter. And terrifying because I see the seeds …