Category: Ben Wilkoff
What does giving teachers and leaders choice disrupt in Professional Learning?
What does giving teachers and leaders choice disrupt in Professional Learning?
Thought this might be useful here. Peter Douglas, have you seen these steps?
Thought this might be useful here. Peter Douglas, have you seen these steps?
If you could create a course just out of questions, would you?
If you could create a course just out of questions, would you?
This is the kind of thing our students should be doing. Always.
This is the kind of thing our students should be doing. Always.
Rich Kiker, Are you aware that the majority of the “slides” and “text version” docs in…
Rich Kiker, Are you aware that the majority of the “slides” and “text version” docs in…
I thought these guidelines were good for using hangouts to connect classrooms together.
I thought these guidelines were good for using hangouts to connect classrooms together.