I’m kind of in love with the idea of app dice for creating unique app smashes. H/T to Ryan Read
I’m kind of in love with the idea of app dice for creating unique app smashes. H/T to Ryan Read
I’m kind of in love with the idea of app dice for creating unique app smashes. H/T to Ryan Read
I always forget these infographics tools, and I have to search for them every time I need them. So, I thought I would compile them for myself and other. There are so many wonderful things you can do with data and ideas. Share what you make. New Tools to Create …
I really enjoyed this teacher’s reflection as they are starting to set up their room for the school year.
I really enjoyed this teacher’s reflection as they are starting to set up their room for the school year. I wonder…
An auto awesome’d picture of gnats at Coor’s field.
This quick tutorial shows how to create your own Mileage Calculator using Google Sheets/Forms/Scripts. It will automatically calculate the mileage, remember every place you have traveled to or from, and it will put it into a format for reimbursement. Because this is formatted specifically for Denver Public Schools, you may …
Planning Document: http://bit.ly/roundtableroundtable Badge: http://badges.p2pu.org/en/badge/view/545/ Purpose: This hangout is meant to help anyone with an interest in running a Google+ Hangout as a roundtable discussion to be able to do so easily. We will go through the process of creating the hangout, developing the audience for that hangout, and the facilitation of …
Planning Document: http://bit.ly/roundtableroundtable
I’m pretty sure this would mean we could use hangouts with kids without having to turn on plus and hangouts with…
We are heading into the final stretch of the proposal rating process, and thus far we have had over 375 ratings!