Author: <span>Ben Wilkoff</span>

Connected Learning: How It Should Work

This one lets me connect three very different voices together and reflect upon the nature of Connected Learning.

Kevin Honeycutt’s kites video:

Rodd Lucier’s hubs and spokes video:

Vi Hart’s comments video:

The Google+ Community:

The Three Learning Paths: The Beginning of an #etmooc Journey

I was really excited to get started with the first week of content in #etmooc. My hope is that this video fits pretty nicely into the Pedagogy side of “Connected Learning — Tools, Processes & Pedagogy”

It may challenge you to think about which of the three learning paths you are taking in both your professional development environment and the environment for your learners. Or, if none of these resonate with you, that it encourages you to construct your own learning path to follow.

For more conversation, check out these two google plus communities:

#etmooc community:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

#ETMOOC Is Overwhelming. So, Let’s Make Some Meaning.

I was quite engaged by Sheri Edwards comments on my previous vlog, so I thought I would extend it into a discussion of how we can “spin off” parts of the course conversation into passion projects. This isn’t the final word on how to create meaning in a MOOC, but it is what I would love to continue to discuss and collaborate on throughout the course.

Original video with comment:

Great discussion on top of that video that Sheri made (which does an even better job extending the idea):

Google+ Community: