Month: <span>March 2018</span>

Ready or Not

The end of the school year is fast approaching, whether we are ready or not. Will we be able to say we have done everything we can to support our kids this year? Will we be able to say we succeeded, that we are where we said we would be? …

I Write Words

We tend to do what we value, working ever more on things that are meaningful to us as individuals. But, it is also true that we tend to value what we do, ensuring that our work is prized and known to others. Is this a virtuous cycle? I’m not sure… …


OMG Becky. PD is Getting So Much Better!! Professional Development can be better. Actually, it must be better. We deserve it as educators, and our kids deserve highly developed teachers and leaders in our schools. Here are some amazing examples of how PD can change for the better. Learn what …

Making Things Work

Very often we are given tools that don’t do exactly what we want them to. So, we modify those tools for our given purpose. I sometimes use a cordless drill as a hammer. I sometimes use a spreadsheet to send personalized emails. What have you repurposed? Code that book – …