Month: <span>November 2017</span>


We don’t always know what is hiding underneath a question from our students (or from our colleagues, for that matter). We can’t always see the motive for inquiry, but we can support that inquiry no matter what. We can count all questions as genuine. Tackling the ‘homework gap’ with the …


There is a great deal of power in what you choose to do. Your actions show priorities and they show promises you are making to yourself and others. Our actions also tend to beg us to ask the highly reflective question, “What am I doing?” Product vs. Process? A short …


Giving thanks is not a measure of someone else’s worth. It is a measure of our own. The more that we give thanks, the more that we understand just how much others have done for us and how others have supported us in getting to where we are. Do it, …


Sometimes you can feel the raised bumps of a message through the day. Telling you to move forward, to move faster. The divots and tiny mountains of understanding that we must listen to from others and from ourselves. They spread across our daily routines. The Most Common Mistakes Teachers Make …

The Wind

Sometimes wind is flying directly at our faces, making it hard to see ahead. Other times it is at our backs, making everything easier to move forward. Whatever way the wind is blowing, know there are people alongside you, locking arms and making progress. Making Student Feedback Work How can …


Getting behind (on Grading, on Email, etc.) is a chronic condition for many of us. So, respond to the emails you can. Grade what you must. And, engage in deep and reflective practice that will benefit yourself and others. Don’t catch up, learn. The 6 Drivers of Inquiry-Based Learning Asking …


Feeling safe at school is a right. For our kids, and for our adults. We should create that safety in all of our spaces, online and offline. And we will… It’s Time to Take Back Personalized Learning – EdSurge News This is the exact sentiment we’ve been trying to start …