Month: <span>August 2017</span>


Just questions today: Who “owns” the learning in your school? And, how do you know? Is it those doing the most work? Is it those that are learning the fastest or with the most depth? Is it those who write the lessons/assessments or those who take them. ‘Where We Went …

Learning In Houston

I was in Houston for a school visit 3 weeks ago. That school is closed, along with hundreds of others. But, the kids of Houston are still learning a lot this week, about themselves and each other. I will be thinking of and supporting them any way I can. Google …


I am happiest when I create. But, only when that creation is in the service of solving for an identified need or answering authentic questions. Creating things that no one asked for brings no satisfaction. Are we listening to needs or creating to create? Using Technology Doesn’t Make You Innovative …


There are many drinks you can use to hydrate. Some are better at it than others. But, no one will question the need for water as the core component of each. So it is with learning. Many ways, but no one questions the role of student engagement and agency. Not …


“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is often interpreted that you should choose a path others don’t. But, the poem states both paths were worn “really about the same.” The moral is to actively choose your path, not to belabor forks in the road. Why Late Adopters Are Skeptical …


Our time with kids is finite, but their learning is not. They learn from every moment they are in Schools, and every moment they are away. They continue to learn what you taught hem yesterday and last year. What infinite learning will you create for them? 8 Things to Look …


Because you support a student or teacher today, they will succeed. Not if, but BECAUSE. Cognitive bias cheat sheet I keep working on my biases in an effort to create more equitable classrooms and schools, but I never knew that so many were at play! Which ones do you experience? …


I was sitting in the Cultures of Thinking workshop yesterday, and I heard a lot of things that resonated with me personally as well as with our work as a whole. None more so than the statement that engaging and powerful learning experiences should have a “low floor and high ceiling”. …


I promise, this story will make sense eventually: There are two old Apple cinema displays (monitors) in the learning resources offices. They are very peculiar in that they only have a single mini-DisplayPort cord to plug into a computer. They were made at a time when all of the computers …