#C4C15: Reflecting for Growth: A Tribute to My GIANT

#C4C15: Reflecting for Growth: A Tribute to My GIANT

A moving story of how we grow from somewhere into our teaching and learning selves:

I love this idea of honoring those “Giants” in our lives who have made more difference in our growth than they will ever know. You have painted such a moving picture of who your Nana is, and her heart comes through your words.

It is wonderful to think that our learning and leading lives are crafted even before we realize that we have started to become who we will be. It makes me hunger for everyone to have a Nana in their lives, a true advocate for their confidence and their values-based perspective. I believe it is by telling these stories that more people will realize that this type of mentorship is necessary and that they can be that kind of mentor to someone else.

via Reflecting for Growth: A Tribute to My GIANT.

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