


Jade Forester, Open Badges Global Coordinator at the Mozilla Foundation just confirmed to be on the Roundtable Panel for this event.

Thank you, Jade. I’m so looking forward to meeting you and I know a lot of folks will have questions for you!

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff


Roundtable purpose:

This roundtable is about trying to find best practices for using Badges and Micro-credentials in learning environments both for adult and student learners.

We are excited by what is possible here, but we want to see examples of where it is being done well.

Roundtable audience:

This roundtable is for anyone who is interested in using Badges or Micro-credentialing as a strategy to personalize learning.

It is also intended for those interested in:

1. Gamification

2. Blended Learning

3. Competency-based learning

Please fill out the Google Doc to set up if you would like to be on the video hangout or if you would like to simply be a viewer. All are welcome.


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