Year: <span>2013</span>

My ETMOOC Intro: Creating Great Things Through Collaboration

This is my introduction for #etmooc in which I use a whole bunch of public domain videos in order to illustrate what I am talking about (sometimes with better results than others).

I’m excited about this course and the people that I will meet and collaborate with as a result. I also wanted to make sure that I emphasize just how much I believe we owe the past for our understanding of teaching and learning. In our rush to create a connected MOOC community, I am interested in figuring out the human and timeless elements of education. The good, and not merely the new.

Also, hat tip to Alan Levine for giving me the idea of using public domain footage. Check out the ds106 course video here:

What is your #DailyCreate?

I finally got around to exploring the ins and outs of DS106, a Digital Storytelling MOOC from The University of Mary Washington. It made me think that we are in desperate need of a #DailyCreate in all of learning environments.

DS106 Site:

Some Favorite DS106 Folks/videos:

Google+ Community: