Year: <span>2013</span>

It's a Beautiful Day for an #ETMOOC

This is the unofficial theme song for #etmooc and Personal Learning Neighborhoods everywhere. Here are the lyrics, which are sung in unison by Gallit Zvi and Ben Wilkoff:

It’s a beautiful day for an #etmooc,
A beautiful day for some learning,
Would you connect?
Could you connect?

In my personal learning neighbourhood,
We blog, and we vlog and reflect what’s good
Would you comment?
Could you comment?

I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
Always wanted to take this learning path along with you

So let’s make the most of this beautiful day,
Let’s tweet and lets chat, in a backchannel way,
Would you move in?
Could you my friend?
Won’t you be my neighbor?

Won’t you post,
Won’t you link,
Please won’t you be my neighbor?

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Know Your Learners: Where Do Your Paths Intersect?

Even though our learning paths are all different and we need different things to help us along the way, our most visible (and sometimes powerful) learning happens when our paths cross and we are able to recognize and articulate what is happening.

Inspired by Lee Graham: and Scott Hazeu:

Join the Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Learning is Poetry (And Should be Treated As Such)

I have had the pleasure of learning from Sheri Edwards over the past few weeks, and I have grown to love her approach to learning. It makes me think that our learning has a lot of meaning and importance. It also makes me want to believe in the power of poetry.

Her Vimeo Channel:

Reflective Practice Community:

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