Hey, thank you so much for your interest in doing a hangout with the “Reflective Practice Vlogging” crew.

Hey, thank you so much for your interest in doing a hangout with the “Reflective Practice Vlogging” crew.

Hey, thank you so much for your interest in doing a hangout with the “Reflective Practice Vlogging” crew. I’d love to ask you both a few questions about why you got started vlogging and see where you think Youtube is going. I’d also love to hear about your experiences at school and what learning looks like for you when you get passionate about something.

If you need to ask your parents about it or if they need to speak with me or the other members, let me know. I would be more than happy to do that. (You probably won’t, but I don’t want them to be worried if that kind of thing happens at your house.)

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