Interesting way to extend the reach of your organized Google Drive folders/resources.
Originally shared by Andrew Stillman (Personal)
Introducing formFolio: Accept and auto-organize Drive resources into folders using a Google Form
This is a full rewrite, rebrand, and extension of formFolderer script I released about a month ago, which I think will be very useful to educators…
Looking for folks interested in beta-testing on this thread. Please make yourself a copy here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar-FEGXAo-DGdDVnSmRSZnVOZ0RSdUQ3SnI5bktKWGc&newcopy
– Turns a Google Form into a smart auto-foldering and ‘dropbox’ tool to allow users to submit any Drive-hosted resource along with additional data.
– Great for auto-organizing and managing ownership of student or teacher artifact submissions. Can function like a dropbox, allowing users to add or copy Drive resources via form to folders they otherwise cannot access.
– Ideal for large collaboration groups looking to crowdsource, organize and tag Drive resources in specific ways without giving everyone edit privileges on the folder structure.
– For secure Google Forms on a Google Apps domain, allows Drive resources to be submitted to individual “User Folders” based on the auto-collected username.
– Allows the choices in one or more of your multiple-choice, list, or checkbox questions to correspond to destination Folders in Drive.
Uses a text type question in your form to collect the Drive resource URL (Documents, Sheets, Presentations, Drawings, Folders–yes whole Folders (up to 2 levels deep), Images, heck, even unconverted Office files) from users.
– Upon form submission, adds or copies (see modes below) the submitted Drive resource into the corresponding folders in your Drive.
– Requires you to collect the form submitter’s Google email address via secure (domain) form or via a text question in your form. The script detects whether sharing permissions are appropriate and emails the user with steps and easy links to fix.
– Can be run in “original” or “copy” mode.
–Original mode adds the Drive resources to the designated folder(s) and preserves their original ownership.
— Copy mode makes a copy of the Drive resource, renames it according to a convention of your choice, optionally shares in the submitter as viewer, editor, or commenter, and moves it to the designated folders.
-When set to create “User Folders” on a secure, domain Google Form…
Can auto-create folders for new users upon form submission
Allows for user folder to be restricted, or shared with either view or edit privileges
I think this could change my life. Would love to see how it works in real life.
I think this could change my life. Would love to see how it works in real life.
I think this could change my life. Would love to see how it works in real life.