Year: <span>2010</span>

Tech Mentor PD #libertypd

Purpose: To engage all teachers with tools and pedagogy to improve workflow, student literacy/achievement and connected learning. We will create an ongoing teacher community focused on resource sharing, collaborative projects, and reflection. More concretely, by the end of the day the teachers will be able to post and reply within …

Question 293 of 365: Where does documentation get us?

Image via Wikipedia I take notes. I can’t help but listen to others and write down what it is that they have said. I can’t help but summarize and ask questions. I think that margins are for drawings and diagrams. I think that everything requires context, and I am the …

Question 292 of 365: When can we speak freely?

US Military protocol is almost entirely unappealing to me. The hierarchical structure and the chain of command really don’t adhere to my ideals of hyperlinked networks and free communication. The idea of classified documents or need to know information is counterintuitive in an era of Open ID and Web Search. And yet, there …

Question 291 of 365: What is the new Eugenics?

Image via Wikipedia I once had a conversation with a man I didn’t know during which he extolled the virtues of Eugenics and the idea of a master race. Because I was 13 at the time, this line of thinking was absolutely new to me. With my rudimentary understanding of how good …

Question 288 of 365: Are we picking fights?

I am offended by the things that might happen. Not the things you are saying or doing, but the the things that you might say or do if allowed to continue. I will argue with you now in the hopes of not having to argue with you the next time …