Year: <span>2010</span>

Question 201 of 365: How hard and how fast should we jump on the ice?

Image via Wikipedia The Chagrin river never froze over completely. At least, not in my memory anyway. It was always halfway frozen in the winter, allowing for a few ducks to sit on the frigid water as it took them closer and closer to the falls beneath the Popcorn Shop …

Question 200 of 365: Are we on a roll, taking roll, role models, rolling the dice or just rolls of toilet paper?

Image via Wikipedia We worry about being fathers. We worry about being sons. About being employees and entrepreneurs. We worry about the things that we are and what we will never be. But I don’t care abut the roles we are prescribed or the ones that we take on over …

Question 199 of 365: When do we stop asking for medicine and band-aids?

Image via Wikipedia I had a favorite medicine growing up called Triaminic. It was the wonder cure-all. Pretty much anything that was wrong could be fixed with a little Triaminic. It had this syrupy sweet cherry flavor that wasn’t overly thick. It didn’t have the aftertaste of a Robitussin or …

Question 198 of 365: When is sleep inappropriate?

Image via Wikipedia I observed classrooms for years before I became a teacher. Sometimes I would observe the interaction between students or the way in which a teacher would discipline others. I would watch the passing of notes and the distracted looks of those who longed to be outside. I …

Moodle 4 Learning Day 2

Telling your learning story makes you a better learner and a teacher. It is my hope that within this course you are not only getting the bare bones understanding of how to construct a Moodle course and of Moodle’s capabilities, but also that you are able to tell your learning …

Question 194 of 365: What should we brandish?

I could have left the -ish off the question and had it be something completely different. I could have talked about all of the ways in which we need to frame our ideas and link to them and craft a language around them. I could have gone into what it …