Month: <span>December 2010</span>

Question 336 of 365: What are we without deadlines?

The space between the statement of the task and the completion of that task is infinite. It is the one place where all of our fear and hopelessness exists. It is where we doubt ourselves and find ourselves inadequate. It the space that spits out our evenings as the waste …

Question 335 of 365: Will the future be double spaced?

I used to write research papers in a single evening. I would slog on through 20 pages, even if it meant pulling an all-nighter. To me, it wasn’t a question of sleep or of planning, it was a matter of continuity. I wanted the first draft of anything that I …

Question 334 of 365: Should we buy comfortable couches?

Image via Wikipedia We currently own the most comfortable couch that I can ever hope to have. While not immediately plush and inviting, it is the kind of couch that deceptively lulls you to sleep with its firm support and ability to fully stretch out in a number of different …