Month: <span>July 2010</span>

Question 210 of 365: What does a three year old think about the oil spill in the gulf?

Image by eschipul via Flickr Today in the car, my daughter wondered what the oil wells in the farmland of Colorado were all about. I said they were used to suck up the oil that was underneath the earth. My daughter paused, deep in thought, and then she said this …

Question 209 of 365: What is the difference between a leak and a link?

Image via Wikipedia The wikileaks papers are exquisite. In their scope and its specificity, they are immense. I don’t fully understand all of their implications, but I know that they are not ordinary. They represent sharing on a magnitude that we have not seen for years. Or, at least that …

Question 206 of 365: Where is the open book?

Image via Wikipedia Every time I put my son down for bed, he sees fit to be totally uninterested without a good amount of singing of songs and reapplying blankets. In between each one of these tries at sleep during which he may or may not actually close his eyes, …

Question 205 of 365: Why don't we clear the board more often?

Image by MarkyBon via Flickr I have been to a few emergency rooms, mostly for highly nervous new parent reasons. Near each one is a board with names on it. Ussually this board has ailments, procedures, and where patients are at any given time. It tells of upcoming surgeries that …

Question 204 of 365: When do we almost die?

Image by jef safi via Flickr It strikes me that we almost die far more often than we actually do. Most of the days that I drive to work I think about what it would be like if I made an enormous right turn into oncoming traffic or into the …