Month: <span>February 2010</span>

Question 49 of 365: Is there space for us?

Image by Cyprien via Flickr I was just in Nebraska working with some online teachers at one of the best facilities I have ever experienced. From the offices that had defined areas, but no doors to the classrooms with polycom systems for distance learning, mobile laptop carts, and the ability …

Question 48 of 365: How can we encourage shoe swapping?

Image via Wikipedia While this question may seem ridiculous on the surface, it is one that I have been considering for quite some time. I believe that we walk in our own shoes so long that we forget that there are any other types, sizes or styles. We may believe …

Question 47 of 365: To whom are we beholden?

I ask this question on the periphery of a lot of the questions that I pose. I would like to know just to whom we owe our talents and our learning. To whom are we beholden for our knowledge, for our engaged relationships and open-ended conversations. I believe that we …

Question 46 of 365: How do users become customers?

I don’t usually use these terms, but I have continued to use them after reading a really interesting white paper on why Freemium models don’t work. I believe that we are all users of lots of products, services, schools, and ideas. We are much more selective as to what we …

Question 45 of 365: What is the most important data?

Image via Wikipedia This kind of question requires a lot of energy. Energy that I don’t have right now. But it is a question that haunts me, mostly because I don’t know the answer. I want to know what is most valuable, what I need to be paying attention to. …

Question 44 of 365: What parts of us are fragile, perpetual and renewable?

We Are All We Need View more presentations from bhwilkoff. We would rather be: Skeptical, Wise, Steadfast, and Stable. But we aren’t. We Lack: The vision to be stable. The certainty to be steadfast. The reflection to be wise. The experience to be skeptical. And, that isn’t all bad. We …

Question 43 of 365: What is the true nature of spam?

Google Buzz has brought this back for me in a big way, but I have always been concerned with just how Spam has made its grand entrance into our collective consciousness. I have considered this topic as the noise and distraction in our lives, but spam is a much bigger …

Question 42 of 365: How can you frame a question so that it actually gets answered?

Participation matters. Above all else, if you expect people to come to your blog, read your feed, follow your buzz or engage in your web application; you must look for a level of participation that really doesn’t have a whole lot of modeling in the real world. The blogosphere had …