Year: <span>2008</span>


Cores 1+4: What perfect books did your parents talk to you about? How were they different than your own? Write-On: How can one person’s utopia be another person’s dystopia? What are the different types of dystopias we encounter, or could encounter if we try to reach utopia? What would be …


Cores 1+4: Perfect Book Record-on: Speak the most important factor about your perfect book into the iPod recorder. Explore the concept of Utopia through definition, brainstorms, and writing: Brainstorm ideas about utopias and write down ALL responses: What words come to mind when you think about utopia? What changes may …


Cores 1+4: Write-On: Imagine that there were a perfect book out there for you. It has just the right mixture of content (the stuff it is about) and form (the way it is written). What would it look like? Construct your perfect book on our handout. Meet with me to …


Cores 1+4: Reset expectations for the quarter. What changes and what stays the same? What is a personal curriculum? Brainstorm your personal curriculum with a partner. Extension: Write your personal curriculum plan for one of your ideas on your blog. Core 2: Reset expectations for the quarter. What changes and …