Month: <span>April 2008</span>


Cores 1+4: Think-on: What should it be? Work on your utopia for our three purposes: Creating Community Telling the story of Utopia Enhancing our ideas Extensions: Finish rough draft of your Utopia for Friday. Cores 4: Act-on: Write up your scene on our Google Doc and then revise it so …


Cores 1+4: Discuss-on: Talk about rough draft of Wiki Finish Chapter 6 of Animal Farm: What does the Windmill represent to the animals? How is Snowball used as a scapegoat for the windmill? Did snowball do it? With evidence from the book, support your answer in at least one paragraph. …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: Talk about Core Wikis Collect Predictions. Finish Chapter 6 of Animal Farm: What does the Windmill represent to the animals? How is Snowball used as a scapegoat for the windmill? Extensions: Finish rough draft of your Utopia for Friday. Core 2: Write-on: Rev-it-up Intro to Lesson 4 …


Cores 1, 2+4: Discuss-on: How do you create a consistent writing voice when you are working on your utopia? Reactions: Allie’s Reactions Vera’s Reactions Work on your utopia for our three purposes: Creating Community Telling the story of Utopia Enhancing our ideas Extensions: Finish your 5th section by tonight (or …


Cores 1, 2, and 4: Plan-on: Work on your utopia for our three purposes: Creating Community Telling the story of Utopia Enhancing our ideas Finish your 2 (for cores 1+4) or 1 (for core 2) sections of your utopia for Tomorrow night. Core 3: Plan-on: Gcasting demo and inserting audio …


Cores 1+4: Act-on: Share out the most likely and least likely predictions. Read Chapter 6 of Animal Farm: What does the windmill represent? How do the pigs attempt to change the commandments and expectations of equality? How are the pigs able to rationalize the changes to themselves and to others? …


Cores 1+4: Chris’ world famous depiction of the battle of cowshed Read Chapter 5 of Animal farm: How is Napoleon able to switch his position on the windmill without any major issues? What small details were planted early in the story are now paying off/back. What are your theories on …


Cores 1+4: Act+Write-on: Is rivalry and heated debate a good thing for a society? Read Chapter 5 of Animal farm: What does the windmill represent? What small details were planted early in the story are now paying off/back. What would you have to do in order for the dogs to …


Cores 1+4: Brainstorm-on: How can you answer the Culture, Social Customs, and Family Structure Questions differently (better)? Discussion of Personal Curriculum Wow: Peace MonoComm Falcon Unique Work on your utopia for our three purposes: Creating Community Telling the story of Utopia Enhancing our ideas Extensions: Finish a third section for …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: Read Chapter 4 of Animal Farm Why do the other farmers want Animal Farm to fail? What about the Animal’s ideas are a threat? What interest do people have in keeping things the way that they are rather than heading towards a utopia in our society? Draw …