Year: <span>2007</span>

The New Job Description

The more that I think about doing something “different” in my classroom, the more that I feel that process should be transparent. Not just for my students and their parents, but also for my administrators. Principals, Assistant Principals, and even Super-Intendants should be aware that there is change happening in …

Digital Sticky Notes

Feedback continues to be something that requires a lot of thought to do right. I want to provide my students with as much timely feedback as possible, but I don’t want to have to resort to the methods of printing out blog posts and putting paper sticky notes on them. …


Core 1: How does Mr. Wilkoff learn? The Final Official Blog Post for Discovery: How do you learn best? What are your expectations for your 9th grade English teacher? The Typewriter Yearbook. Take a look at some of the parting blessings. Core 2: How does Mr. Wilkoff learn? The Final …


Core 1: Work on End of the Year Reflections Core 2: What would you like your legacy to be at Cresthill? Continue End of the Year Reflections with new questions and continuing conversations. Core 3: My apology. Introduce and work on End of the Year Reflections. Core 4: Work on …


Core 1: Finish watching Animal Farm. Questions for analysis: Why did the director change the ending so drastically? Why did the director choose Jesse as the narrator? What has been gained or lost by transferring this book to visual form? How is this story more “American?” than the original? Does …


Core 1: Watch Animal Farm and look for how the animals’ acceptance of napoleon’s leadership changes from novel to movie. Discuss your Utopia with Mr. Wilkoff. Core 2: Continue discussion of how advertising stereotypes influence your beliefs. Watch The Persuaders and discuss just how much like advertising a movement can …