Year: <span>2007</span>


Core 1+4: Write-On: Write out one of the anecdotes that made note of in the “Dear Students” essay as a paragraph story. (Describe one of the times you felt a barrier in your life, one of the times that you ignored a barrier that other people have, or one of …


Core 1+4: Write-On: How can what you expect affect what you receive? Share your expectations with your group and create a master list of expectations that you will want to hold the class, the teacher, and yourself to. (They may be the same.) Compile and vote on expectations to go …


Welcome to the best two years of your life. This is not an overstatement. It is not hyperbole. Up until this point your life has either been pretty great or somewhat bland, but at this moment, you become a part of something so much bigger than yourself. You become a …

I vs. We

I don’t know when it happened, but I have started using the word “we” in my podcast and blog when I would normally use the word “I.” I believe that it is due to my increased awareness and involvement of the community that I have surrounded myself with. I also …