Year: <span>2007</span>


Cores 1+4: Discuss-on: What is content? What is the Academy Authentic? Watch the tutorial on Writing in Your Blog. Extensions: Use the Academy Authentic page to attempt your first Academy Authentic. Cores 2+3: Discuss-on: What is content? Show off the new-and-improved “Academy Authentic.” Explore and add to the Constantly Growing …


Core 1: Write-On: What is the most difficult dichotomous choice (only two options) you have had to make in your life? Read The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost What do you notice in this poem? Answer questions on theme and change (from handout). Discuss poetry analysis, dichotomous choice, and …


Cores 1-4: Introduction to your Academy of Discovery Google Account. Docs Calendar Gmail Tutorial for how to login to your Academy of Discovery Google Account. Tutorial on how to work within your Academy of Discovery Google Documents Account. Write your final draft of your writing assessment on Google Docs and …


Core 1-4: Discuss-on: Why do MAP results matter? Explore Lexile levels: Lexile Map Find a book database: put together a book bag and print it out. If you have forgotten some of the steps, here is a tutorial. Today is the first day that AR tests are up and running. …


Core 1: Write-on: Translate five of your authentic topics into inauthentic prompts. What is the difference in the wording of an authentic topic vs. inauthentic prompt? Discover how we can go from inauthentic prompts to authentic topics How can you attack an inauthentic prompt? What do you owe an authentic …


Core 1: Write-on: What was the worst writing prompt that you have ever encountered? Why? Collect and mildly discuss top-5 and book meme handouts. [flash] Brainstorm the differences between an authentic topic and an inauthentic prompt? What were you able to accomplish with the authentic piece that you couldn’t …


Core 1+4: Sign the Discovery Online Code. Create Blog Account Set-up your blog and your user account for your blog. If you missed any steps in how to do this, here is the tutorial. Figure out which theme you want for your blog. Write Down the theme name you want …


Core 1: Go directly to Room 107 with an AR book. Finish MAP testing Discuss grading of Ocean Question essays. If time permits What does your top-5 paper say about you as a person? Extensions: Read your AR Book. Core 2: Go Directly to room 107 with an AR Book. …