Year: <span>2007</span>


Core 1: Write-on: What kind of arguments/persuasion are false? (Sometimes persuasive but always fallacious, deceitful, or just plain wrong) Which are the most recognizable/often used of the Fallacious Arguments. Find an example of one of the above Fallacious Arguments in modern political discourse. Extensions: Think of the one thing that …


Core 1: Write-on: How would you persuade someone visually? Present persuasion Smart Notebook files. What do you notice about these ideas? Reflect on the process of creating these presentations. [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash …


Core 1: Explore-on: How are these poems the same as Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken, and how are they different? Devil Dog Way to Choose The Connection between change and persuasion. How do you change someone’s mind? With a partner, create a Smart Notebook file that reveals your thinking. …

Articulating Vision

I am now convinced that the only way to create widespread change within our schools is to articulate a singular vision for the future of education. I don’t know if I am the person to articulate that vision yet, but I am working toward it. Play in new window …

Beginning the year, systematically.

This podcast is all about how I am starting my year. I would love to know how you are starting your year and how we can collaborate (share) any of the resources and systems that we have set up. Send me an e-mail at Play in new window …

Choices, Choices…

This is the first podcast in over a month because I needed to upgrade for more storage space. It is not an enhanced podcast, but I’m sure it will be illuminating nonetheless. I was trying to figure out which content management system to use for The Academy of Discovery. I …


Core 1: Share-on: Share with at least one other person what you have written about The Road Less Traveled and the concept of change. Introduce concept of thought exploration and Mind Mining: We are going to use a lot of paper and markers and ideas today. Today is going to …