Month: <span>April 2007</span>


Core 1: How can we discuss our worlds? New examples of Utopian integration. Introduction to the reaction novel. Read about and discuss the many levels of Animal Farm. Core 2: What does formal and informal discussion look like on the wiki? Making Belief Statements real This I Believe Standpoint Listen …


Cores 1-4: What is the Value of Amateurs? Work on Sem2_Week11 either on your blog (using or if it is working) or on your wiki page. If you choose to write on your wiki page, you will need to submit the “edit” that you did today as a …


Core 1: How will the las eight weeks of middle school be different from the rest of middle school? Show off the Official Seal Generator How will our own licenses affect our content? Explore the Discovery Utopias Wiki. Core 2: How will the las eight weeks of middle school be …