

Core 1:

  1. How can we discuss our worlds?
  2. New examples of Utopian integration.
  3. Introduction to the reaction novel.
  4. Read about and discuss the many levels of Animal Farm.

Core 2:

  1. What does formal and informal discussion look like on the wiki?
  2. Making Belief Statements real
  3. Listen to This I Believe Essays and start to narrow down which belief you want to write into your Audio Essay.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on: What is the perfect group of friends? (What types of people do you have to have in the group so that it works?)
  2. Learn about the Greasers from the rest of chapter 1.
  3. Fill out the graphic organizer for the characters.

Core 4:

  1. What new ways of revealing your utopia are you trying? (or do you want to try?)
  2. Explore a few of the most recent additions.
  3. Discuss measurable goals, and one more day of creation without rubric.

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