Month: <span>August 2006</span>


Today’s lessons are extentions of yesterday. Core 1-2: Discuss-On: What is the biggest book/reading virus (meme) you have ever started? Collect Book Meme. Re-introduce the Discovery Bookshelf and go over how to write a book review. Show How-To page and go through setting up accounts. Explore Re-introduce the …


Cores 1-2: Check syllabus signatures. Use the one book meme to start a dialog about books, createing a community of readers. My example. Review library expectations in order to keep our goals perfectly in view. Travel to the library, use computers or the bookshelves to find the “next books” from …


These lessons are a continuation of yesterday. Core 1-3: Write-On: Construct a metaphor for your reading life. For example. Go over Syllabus for the year. Go to Tower Computer Lab and fill out digital AR+ contracts and explore AR+ book recommendations. Core 4: Write-On: How does your concept of reading …


Much of today’s lessons are a continuation of the ideas from yesterday. Cores 1+2: Discuss-On: Discuss with at least two people your list of expectations. Try to agree on the two that you think are most essential. Be ready to share them out and have them written on the smart …


All of this is a continuation of yesterday. Core 1: Think/Discuss-On: How will writing these goals down and sending yourself an e-mail influence your actions in class? Type up FutureMe. What should our new set of classroom expectations be for this year based upon your goals? What should we all …


Cores 1-2 (8th graders): Reorient students to the new setup. Talk about the unique opportunity that Looping provides. Introduce FutureMe: First days are all about finding your footing again. You have been on the beautiful ocean of vacation for a couple months, and now it is time to step onto …