Core 1:
- Write-On: What is the line between leadership and dictatorship.
- Read the next chapter of Animal Farm and figure out where/if the line has been crossed.
- Utopia update, Icom update, and War update.
Core 2:
- What are the favorable Pre-Conditions for a movement to start? (What conditions would make a movement more ripe than others?)
- Icom, -Ism, where do we go from here?
- Work on your -Ism with specific purpose.
Core 3:
- Podcast Discussion Question: What does the rumble solve?
- Group A to keep reading until the end of the rumble, Group B to start work on their first My Meaning Question.
Core 4:
- Utopia update, Icom update, and War update.
- Discuss hero question from Friday.
- Work on Utopias with specific purposes.