Tag: <span>knowledge</span>

Question 214 of 365: What changes everything?

Image by Jesslee Cuizon via Flickr I don’t often make proclamations that I believe to be true for everyone. I don’t do this because I know that there is a high likelihood of me being wrong. So high, in fact, that I feel as though it would undermine my credibility …

Question 194 of 365: What should we brandish?

I could have left the -ish off the question and had it be something completely different. I could have talked about all of the ways in which we need to frame our ideas and link to them and craft a language around them. I could have gone into what it …

Question 192 of 365: Where is the crazy?

Image by jah~ off n on via Flickr Crazy people are everywhere. Not just the run of the mill crazy, either. I’m talking about completely out of their head insane, unable to reason their way through modern daily life, wringing their hqnds of all connection to reality, playing the fool …

Question 90 of 365: How can we stop creating knowledge pyramid schemes?

Image via Wikipedia I’m in over my head. I claim to know more than I do. I’m standing on the shoulders of giants, and I don’t even know their names. The current expectation is that I am knowledgeable about everything that is put in front of me. It has been …

Question 13 of 365: What does it mean to be an Expert?

In a world where the network is what matters, where being able to tap into knowledge that is distributed and widespread is valued, what does it mean to be an expert? Just because we can figure out the answer to most of our every day questions by googling them or …