Learning is Change

Agenda: http://bit.ly/dpscop6

Agenda: http://bit.ly/dpscop6

Specific Meeting Goals: 

1. To build the starter pack of Communities of Practice

1a. Connect our communities together

1b. Create Help Documentation

1c. Decide where the Starter Pack lives (in all of its iterations)


Don’t worry! I used the google glass on the dashboard so I don’t have to hold anything and I can look straight ahead…

Don’t worry! I used the google glass on the dashboard so I don’t have to hold anything and I can look straight ahead at the road. 

I realized yesterday that I think in terms of communities or groups, now. Whenever I am learning something new, I am thinking about which audience it makes sense for. Do you do this, and if so, how does it affect your learning (or your students’ learning)?


Interesting new features for the Flubaroo script.

Interesting new features for the Flubaroo script.

Originally shared by Allison Mollica

Great News from Flubaroo!  Attn Math and Science Teachers, you will want to read this.


Websites that make you look like you are doing actual work – 2023 Updates

I wonder what this says about the state of “work,” and whether or not people feel empowered enough to create the kinds of jobs that bring fulfillment or joy on a daily basis. In any case, these sites are most definitely worth bookmarking to show that false productivity is alive and well in our modern workforce (also notice that “actual work” means using Microsoft Office in a lot of cases).

And if you get bored of those websites and would like to join an online community dedicated to the elimination of toxic behavior within ourselves, our relationships and the wider world, check out The Masculinity Detox.