The Fellowship of Open Spokes: Which Day Are You?

The Fellowship of Open Spokes: Which Day Are You?

We are starting a Youtube Channel dedicated to the idea that a small group of people (ideally 7) can change education forever just by being in a community of practice that continually tackles new problems and shares what it is that we are learning.

If you would like to become a part of this Fellowship, please leave a comment on this video. If you think you know someone who might be interested, share this video with them.

The way this works is that the 7 core people from the project will all be assigned a "day of the week" for which to post on. They will post to a designated Youtube Channel and throughout the week we will all comment and clarify and try and push the thinking on each new idea. Some weeks we will pick a theme to all tackle, and sometimes the themes will emerge organically because we will all respond to a particular video in succession.

While we will have the 7 people as a core group of vloggers, we will also need a whole bunch of folks to help fill in the gaps in our experience and to help push us to think deeper. Ideally, this would allow for more people to post their videos on the channel either as replacements for a particular contributor’s day or in addition to it.

That organization may sound pretty loose, but I want to leave it open to allow the Core members to decide how to organize the channel. I hope to hear from each one of you that reads these words as to how you would like to take part in the Fellowship.

Original Idea:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

Oh, and here is the text from the video:

So, I want to start a fellowship for teaching and learning. To create the type of collaboration that sustains our practice rather than drains it. To reflect upon our learning process and build upon each other’s ideas, crafting a hub around which we all can learn.

We can all be spokes on a wheel, bound together by a single purpose, but always open what comes next.

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