

Core 1:

  1. Write-on: In a blog post (across the hallway) reflect upon your first video conference experience with the students from D.C.. How did you think it went? What are you most excited about? What ideas do you have for future video conferences?
  2. Read Martin Luther King Jr’s I Have a Dream speech (watch it too) and analyze it using this handout.
  3. Finish handout and discuss implications of spoken vs. written persuasion.
  4. Extensions:
    • Read your AR book, and share your Academy Authentic with me if you haven’t already.

Core 2:

  1. Write-on: How would you show that you are confident through your writing? How would  you show that you are shy?
  2. Take a look at “The Tallest Girl I Ever Met” from Thou Shalt Not Kill Thy Sentences.
    • How is this case study different from Run-on Randy?
    • What kind of case study are you? If someone were to look at a piece of your writing, how would they describe it? Are there other types of errors that you might make that would cause people to call you another type of case study?
    • What can we do to help you to not represent your case study personality?
  3. Read-Aloud:
    • What kind of case studies would these authors be?
      • Kurt Vonnegut
      • Stephen Chbosky
      • Avi
  4. Extensions:
    • Read your AR book and share your Academy Authentic document with me if you haven’t already.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on: What do caricatures tell about someone’s true identity?
  2. Check MOV Summaries.
  3. Reveal any other caricatures that would provide some illumination for us.
    • How does the caricature make you feel as an observer?
  4. Start thinking like a playwrite:
    1. How are plays and novels different?
    2. How do you have to get information across when all you have are words and actions?
  5. Begin Mini-project: Create a two minute or less audio-only summary of the play, only using words from the characters mouths.
  6. Extension: Read your AR book and share your Academy Authentic with me if you haven’t already.

Core 4:

  1. Write-on: Which is more effective at creating social change: Verbal persuasion or Written Persuasion? Why?
  2. Read Martin Luther King Jr’s I Have a Dream speech (watch it too) and analyze it using this handout.
  3. Discuss the analysis as a class.
  4. Come up with your final answer to the final question:
    • From your reading/listening/watching and our discussion, what do you believe that speech can do better than the written word and what does the written word do better than speech?

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