Technology is not pedagogically agnostic. It was made by people, for a purpose. We just have to make sure that we are choosing the technology that was made for the right purpose: The right tool for the job!
Attending to Technology: Theses for Disputation
Although this article is quite long, I recommend you looking at the ‘thesis statements’ in bold. Essentially, it is an article about how we can be more human with our technology, using it as a tool rather than relying upon it to provide meaning.
How Google Took Over the Classroom
A well reported story on how Chicago Public Schools has learned from their G Suite for Education rollout, and how they have taught Google a few things too! Great conversation on the decentralization of learning tools and the power of teacher voice!
Digital brainstorming and helpful collaborative tool, Padlet is updating its service in some interesting ways. They are further expanding their offerings of formats and providing better support for each one. We really like the new Canvas format!