I’m sure you all saw this, but as it was a topic of conversation last week on the hangout, I thought I would share…
I’m sure you all saw this, but as it was a topic of conversation last week on the hangout, I thought I would share…
I’m sure you all saw this, but as it was a topic of conversation last week on the hangout, I thought I would share…
I have a better understanding about where we are going after today.
Do you think the common core was built to combat things like this?
One of my favorite people, Kirk Anderson, shares why he thinks online communities are like a party.
Thought I might share some of my thinking with this community.
I was working with group of district teams recently and we were thinking about setting up google sites as project…
Does anyone have a list of their favorite social learning interactions, blog post discussions, or communities of…
I think all of these are really strong ideas for using video. Great lesson ideas.
Is anyone doing a book or textual study in their group?