Learning is Change

So excited to be a part of this group of groups. I will be heading up GEG Colorado, and I look forward to learning…

So excited to be a part of this group of groups. I will be heading up GEG Colorado, and I look forward to learning from all of you!

I have two questions so far for others who are further down the path.

1. I have a lot of folks who are interested in taking on a leadership role in the group. I know there is an informal role for “organizers,” but I want to know what that looks like in other GEGs. How are you distributing the leadership so that you aren’t the only one pushing this along (especially when so many people want to help)?

2. What did your first Event look like? What involvement from Google did you have in setting it up? How many people came?

Alright, I guess that was more than two questions. Talk to you all soon!

So, this is the thing we are all hoping for and worried about.

So, this is the thing we are all hoping for and worried about. Let’s please start figuring out what this means for us as teachers and leaders.

Kevin Croghan Jessica Raleigh Laura Mitchell Kirk Anderson Peter Douglas Sudi Stodola Erin Magley Matthew Woolums Josh Allen Jason Rand Nate Obee Jeffry Braa Jeremy Collins 

Originally shared by Andrew Stillman (Personal)

And so it’s now public!  This is what Classroom does.

What does it mean for the Apps Scripts / Add-ons for EDU ecosystem as we know it?  Would love to hear a variety of interpretations.


So, this is the thing we are all hoping for and worried about. Let’s please start figuring out what this means for…

So, this is the thing we are all hoping for and worried about. Let’s please start figuring out what this means for us as teachers and leaders.

Kevin Croghan Jessica Raleigh Laura Mitchell Kirk Anderson Peter Douglas Sudi Stodola Erin Magley Matthew Woolums Josh Allen Jason Rand Nate Obee Jeffry Braa Jeremy Collins 

Originally shared by Andrew Stillman (Personal)

And so it’s now public!  This is what Classroom does.

What does it mean for the Apps Scripts / Add-ons for EDU ecosystem as we know it?  Would love to hear a variety of interpretations.


Project Roundtable: How should we (teachers and leaders) plan our own Summer PD?

*Once you RSVP, please put your info on the Planning Doc*: http://bit.ly/summerpdroundtable

*Roundtable Audience*: 
The audience for this roundtable is teachers and leaders who are asked to do and learn a lot of things over the summer, but who would like to start putting together their own plan for summer professional learning. 

*Roundtable Purpose*:
The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the things we could be doing during the non-instructional time of "the summer" to choose our own paths through professional learning. Choice is an essential element of any teacher or leader’s summer, and if we don’t choose wisely, the summer will be over before we really get to learn what it is we most want to.


Hey! I’d Love to start a GEG in Colorado, but it looks like I need a nomination from someone who is already started one in another location. Any interest in helping me out in that regard?