Learning is Change

Add Video Tutorials to Google Sites

Although I am very excited about using Google Apps for Education for school communication and collaboration I can honestly say that I am not at all happy that I can’t just simply copy embed code over to a Google Document or paste it directly into Google Sites and expect to see results. Well, I think that I have figured out a pretty good work around for at least creating video tutorials. The reason why this is so important is because I have to convince a whole bunch of people to start collaborating very quickly. I’m not sure that I know a better way of doing that other than creating specific tutorials and then putting them into a collaborative space that begs for feedback (i.e., Google Sites).

So, here is what I did:

Step 1: Record your tutorial using ScreenToaster and then upload it directly to Screentoaster. Once this is completed, you will be taken to the video with the correct URL.

Step 2: Copy the video ID, which looks something like this:

Step 3: Head on over to your google site and edit a page you want to put the video into.

Step 4: Insert a Gadget (click on insert and then “more”)

Step 5: Search for the embed flash gadget, or simply use this URL to access it directly.

Step 6: Input the following information into the fields you are presented with:

(The URL of the flash is http://www.screentoaster.com/swf/STPlayer.swf and the Flash Vars is “video=paste_your_video_id_here” (without quotations))

Step 7: Click okay and save

This will allow you to create very quick tutorials on any subject and then embed them into your Google Site. I would say that this is much harder to do than simply copy and pasting some embed code, but I think that I will go through a little bit of greif in order to make sure that teachers and students can collaborate easily without having to worry about yet another login to access a wiki tool that allows for a simple embed.

Making moving easy…

Every night this week and last I have been packing. I have been
packing up my family to move us to someplace better, with more room
and more possibilities (and more than one bathroom). This move has
gotten me thinking a lot about what to keep and what to let go of.
Without extending a metaphor too far out, it has also gotten me
thinking about how to move an entire school or even a district from
digital learning systems that they currently use, to ones that have
more possibility and room to grow.
And, what can we leave behind in this move. When you move from an
email based system of communication to a feed and “friend” based
system of communication (twitter, facebook, or even project wikis),
what is no longer neccessary?
When you move from a server based architecture for storing learning
objects to a cloud based repository, what is gained and what is lost?
The specifics are becoming more and more clear to me as I pack things
up. As I pack up our assessments for the online school, getting them
ready to move again, we can leave behind proprietary formats. We need
to be able to plug them in anywhere and reuse them for many purposes.
As I pack up all of our content, I realize that we can leave all html
pages without an edit button on them.
And, as I try to put all of our tools and resources for collaborative
and connected learningn into their box to be ported over to a new LMS
or to new PD spaces, I am realizing that there is no box big enough to
hold all of them.
Every tool must be allowed to connect to others, just like every
person must be able to connect. If there are tools that do not
connect, they will be packed away permanantly and placed under the
Well, I am off to pack some more, but I will continue to think about
what can and can’t be thrown out when we make big shifts in education.
I hope to return to this theme soon when I figure more out.

Posted via email from olco5’s posterous

Login from Anywhere!

Image by Mirko Macari via Flickr

While this may not be an earth shattering to anyone else, I just figured out how to embed a login to moodle into any webpage. While, I believed that this was possible, I didn’t think it would be this easy. Here is the code that you can put on any webpage and have it login to moodle:

<form class="loginform" name="login" method="post" action="">
<p>Username :
<input size="10" name="username" />
<p>Password :
<input size="10" name="password" type="password" />
<input name="Submit" value="Login" type="submit" />

Here is what it looks like (if you want to test it out… User: guestuser Pass: access):

Username :

Password :

Now, why should anyone care about this?

Well, most school districts (and individual schools, for that matter) do not use Moodle as their landing page for information. They have either some other CMS, website system, or simply a string of dreamweaver html files. Whenever they want to put Moodle into their system, they will generally put a link to the moodle and then have people login there. This is an extra step that can now be avoided. Also, you can not only put this on one page, you can put this on many pages. This could be on a wiki, a blog, or any other page that is “district owned”. This means that you could constantly be encouraging people to start learning simply by logging in at their favorite place.

You don’t have to make people change their own workflow in order to log in to a LMS or Google Apps if you have tied the two together. You can give them the power to login from anywhere! Nice.

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Virtual attendees unite.

I was thinking some more about Sloodle and Second Life in general
today and a thought struck me: why don’t all conferences have a SL or
Open Sim component?

Why do we struggle to pull together people from all over the state,
country and world into 2d places like blogs, wikis and aggregator
pages when all we need is a decent SLurl to direct people to in order
to connect? Now, I know that the WebHeads in Action do Second Life
events all of the time, but as far as I know they do not have a
face-to-face component. As for the face to face conferences I have
been to, not one of them invited those watching the elluminate or
usteam feeds to join in on an SL roundtable.

Do conferences need to artificially separate those who can see one
another with those who cannot?

Why can’t we put the usteams into a SL environment? Why shouldn’t we
allow the hallway conversations to happen for virtual attendees?

In other words, I would like to do this soon. Anyone already tried it

Posted via email from olco5’s posterous

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Sloodle: The potential for 3d learning environments coupled with LMS

Second Life
Image via Wikipedia

I have been looking at this project for quite some time, but I have only begun to explore the real potential here.

Over at Sloodle and a more recent project to port it over to Open Sim, they are marrying Moodle to a 3d virtual environment in which teachers can ask for students to create “real” learning objects and assess their learning through the use of avitars. So far, it really is only accesible to people who are already familiar with both administrating Moodle and playing with objects in Second Life. I think that the real potential will come when it is more available to the average teacher to set up classes and assignments.

I really do see a future where students can choose to create buildings to understand archetechture and math, create tutorials for writing that could walk through, and simulations to demonstrate a science concept. This isn’t too far off, and I think that the more people who experiment with it, the more likely it will be to happen soon.

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LMS as Legos

LEGO Group
Image via Wikipedia

As I am pursuing my theory of Moodle as the glue that can hold together all of the parts of authentic online learning, I have been looking for other metaphors that support it. Yesterday, I came across this one:

I really like how simple this makes Moodle and LMS work in general. By showing all of the “building blocks” of Moodle, it shows off just how unimportant the all-in-one approach is. If anything can be added, what is the use of trying to design something that can do everything. Rather than working on creating something to do everything, we should be working on creating something that can talk to everything.

We need more legos, not more finished buildings.

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Pilot with purpose

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase

I want to make sure that I talk about this before I lose sight of the student’s faces when they started…

Today I had the distinct pleasure of meeting with many of the students in our online school for CSAP testing. It was the first time that I had seen them in a situation that required them to be a part of the school without their parents. While I really enjoy talking to the parents of our online schools students, I miss kids so much that I will take any chance to talk with them about how they are learning and enjoing their school experiences.

Today, I was able to pull the 8th graders aside and ask them if they would like a space to express themselves and collaborate together. Without hesitation, they said yes. They wanted to pilot the use of sites as a “facebook lite”, where they were able to create a page for themselves and receieve comments and attach photos, audio, and video.

Now, I am not asking them to pilot this use for my own purposes. I genuinely want students to be able to collaborate in a setting where they know (not hope) that only the people that are in the group can see it. I want to explore the possiblity of having a student generated portfolio where they are the ones that decide what is important enough to post.

So, as three students were using the computers after the CSAP test in order to create garageband tracks and then embedding them on the site, I was seeing the ways in which self-organizing collaboration is the future of online learning. I would like to see so much more of my students creating objects on their own and then creating spaces for those objects. All we have to do is give them the tools and model their academic use.

The goal is to show this space as an example for what is possible… I will definitely be checking in often with them and showing them how to continue to express themselves safely and collaboratively. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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Challenging question…

Earlier today I was talking with a colleague that I highly respect who was challenging the premise of my blog post from yesterday.
She was saying that if I truly wanted to recast education as a new character that I would need to define what it is that I can do with connected learning and technology that I can’t do otherwise.
This particular teacher (and tech integration specialist) has a wonderful way of pushing me to think about whether something like google docs is really any better than butcher paper and different colored markers. Whenever she asks questions like this, I really do take pause. So I put it to you. What is it that we can do now that isn’t just the logical extension of what has come before? What collaborative exercise is not just a gallery walk in disguise? (I have my ideas, but I would like to see if anyone wants to take the same bait that I was given.)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from olco5’s posterous

Recasting Education: the problem of continuity.

Gattaca album cover
Image via Wikipedia

I was just thinking about one of my favorite movies, Gattaca. In it, Ethan Hawke is trying to assume a genetic identity in order to fulfill his dream of being an astronaut. This intrigues me as a premise, but it isn’t what got me thinking. I started thinking about how through the convention of flashbacks we are expected to believe that at least 3 different human beings at various ages are all the same character. The “child” version of Hawke’s character looks approximately like what he looked like as a kid, but that isn’t Ethan Hawke as a kid. Even less plausible is the semi-adult version of the character that is running away from home. He could pass for a younger version of Ethan Hawke, but they are two separate and distinct people. We are just expected to believe that they are the same. Our brains, in fact, want them to be the same so that the story works.

I started to think that this is the same thing that we do with education. We have one idea of what education looks like (whatever version of education you received), and we pretty much expect every version of education to have continuity with the version that we know. It is as if there were a movie that was started a long time ago and education was cast in a certain light: proud and resilient, stubborn but hopeful, an all around good person with a lot of emotional baggage. This movie has been playing forever, and we can’t seem to shake this typecasting effect. We need this character to look the same in every scene or at least have it be plausible that this is the more “grown up” version of education. It can have more wrinkles or become wiser, but recasting is just out of the question.

Perhaps I am taking the metaphor a little to far in saying that I think it is time to recast education. We need to have a new face to tell the story. We need something that is so unrecognizable as “education” that it doesn’t get confused with its former version. Perhaps we need to take a look at the “James Bond” model for recasting. Although each character is named James Bond, no one would ever confuse the Daniel Craig with Sean Connery. They may have similar catch phrases (“shaken not stirred” or “authentic learning”), but they behave in a different way entirely.

So, who is education now, and how do we make sure that people don’t confuse the kind of change the connected learning advocates are promoting with the education that no longer works for the majority of our connected population. How do we recast education?

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Logging back in…

One of many Google signs
Image by Extra Ketchup via Flickr

So, I have run into quite a few hiccups with my Google Apps and Moodle Integration so far, all of which I think are my fault. I single handedly broke the portal by installing a rancid plugin. I have also been trying to push the integration farther than intended because I don’t want to be stuck talking about “moodle” and “google apps” as individual entities. I want to talk about the greater strategies for communication in an online learning space and having conversations about the ways in which we treat children’s privacy in a k-12 school.

Yet, I have had more meetings about specific tools in the last few days than I have in the last year. It seems as though, as much as I try to dodge my responsibility for being the “tech guru” (our art teacher’s words, not mine), it seems to catch up with me. I have to both talk specifically about how to create groups in gmail, and talk about how creating groups in gmail will create an ongoing message board of sorts when anyone clicks reply all (or we turn on labs to have that be the default). I need to be able to teach others how to create a Google Site and subscribe to the pages of importance, but then go deeper into what makes the subscription different than simply going back and checking on student’s progress.

The hard part is really getting to that deeper level. Once people see you as the person who has the “tech answers” it is hard to push beyond that. I guess that is why I continue to ask so many questions. I want to know things and be able to do things, not because I want to teach others, but because I want to learn for myself. I’m not sure that many people accept that there is just as much that I want to learn from them, as they may want to learn from me. How do I convince them?

With that question asked and not answered… here is my bit of concrete skills for the day.

If you would like to be able to log back into moodle from your Google Apps installation, you will need to either use the built in gadget that comes with the moodle-google package or you can simply use that gadget and put it onto any webpage. So long as you are logged in to google apps or moodle, you should be able to put this gadget in any webpage and perform a hocus pocus of single-signing in back to moodle.

<script src=”http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://edcsd.org/login/auth/gsaml/moodlegadget.php&amp;up_selectedTab=&amp;synd=open&amp;w=320&amp;h=200&amp;title=eDCSD_Moodle_Gadget&amp;border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&amp;output=js”></script>

(notice that “http://edcsd.org/login/” is where your moodle directory would go and instead of “eDCSD_Moodle_Gadget”, you would want to have your own information).

Sometimes, cookies really are amazing things. I have yet to try it out on anything too fancy, but I like the idea that you could put this onto your blog, a wiki site, or any other webpage in existance that takes this kind of embed and have students get right back in to their moodle access (and therefore, google apps). Anyone care to think of a good use for this outside of what I have already outlined.

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