Hadn’t seen this one before:
Well, this completes Google+’s hostile takeover of my browser. Just installed.
Well, this completes Google+’s hostile takeover of my browser. Just installed.
Originally shared by Tarah Runco
This Google Chrome extension lets you see your notifications no matter what page you’re on. Sweet! Via +Thomas MORADPOUR https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pfphgaimeghgekhncbkfblhdhfaiaipf#
Since the top navigation bar in Gmail scrolls with you as you go through a thread now, does the bottom bar need to…
Since the top navigation bar in Gmail scrolls with you as you go through a thread now, does the bottom bar need to exist anymore?
I think this goes a long way to demystifying the Google+ experience.
I think this goes a long way to demystifying the Google+ experience.
Originally shared by Andy Hertzfeld
It’s great that the user experience of Google Plus is being so well received, and I’m happy about all the positive feedback that’s been coming my way, but I’m worried that I’m getting too much credit for it, so this long-winded post is an attempt to set the record straight.
I am indeed the main individual behind the interaction design and implementation of the circle editor. I conceived, designed and implemented a compelling prototype for it almost single-handedly, and then wrote a fair percentage of the production javascript code with lots of help from my friends. I also worked on a couple of other parts of the product a little bit, but that’s pretty much as far as it goes.
Steven Levy’s excellent Wired article got the story right – I wrote the circle editor and then recently widened my focus to the overall Google Plus user experience. But subsequent stories jumped to the conclusion that I was responsible for the design of the entire product that we launched on Tuesday, which isn’t true, but I guess it was just too good a story (about Apple design values infecting Google) for people to resist. And now some people are saying that I’m responsible for the broad visual refresh now rolling out across Google, which couldn’t be further from the truth – in fact, I’m not even sure I like it.
One thing that I learned during the launch of the original Macintosh in 1984 was that the press usually oversimplifies everything, and it can’t deal with the reality that there are many people playing critical roles on significant projects. A few people always get too much credit, while most people get too little, that’s just the way it has always worked. But luckily, it’s 2011 and I can use the service that I helped to create to clarify things.
Shaun Modi is the awesome young designer most responsible for the visual design of the circle editor, especially the blooming circles, along with
Jonathan Terleski, who helped refine it after Shaun departed. Joseph Smarr also helped with the design quite a bit, and was especially valuable as someone I could rely on (along with Jonathan) to tell me when a particular aspect was good enough yet or not.
Google probably won’t be thrilled about me mentioning the names of the superb developers who helped me with the circle editor code (hello recruiters) but I feel that I must mention my main collaborators here: Owen Prater Eric Cattell Eric W. Barndollar and Griff Hazen, along with Ariel Gertzenstein and Rich Conlan who helped in the early stages. And those are just the main front-end guys, there are plenty of others who worked on the shared infrastructure or the back-end that I won’t mention.
And all of the above are just the people who helped with the circle editor and related UI. There are plenty of others who worked on the stream, profiles and photos, as well as the leadership, product managers and various specialists who also made invaluable contributions every day. Suffice it to say that Google Plus is the creation of large, talented team that I’m proud to be a part of, and anyway it’s only the beginning, we’re all excited about what it has a chance to become over the months and years ahead.
This is awesome.

This is awesome.
Originally shared by Fontina Turner
I accidentally made “Minimalist Conan” while working on some logos today.
Dumpster Drive
Dumpster Drive: File Sharing For Your Digital Trash from Justin Blinder on Vimeo.
“File-Sharing For Your Digital Trash Dumpster Drive is a file-sharing application that recycles digital files. Using dumpster diving as a model for recirculating unwanted objects, Dumpster Drive allows others to dig through files that you delete on your computer in a passive file-sharing network. Instead of simply erasing data from your computer, the software allows users to extend the lifecycle of their unwanted files and pass them on to others.”
edReformer: Build, Buy, or Borrow A Digital Future
I vigorously agree with this statement. The other ones on the list are good guidance as well.
edReformer: Build, Buy, or Borrow A Digital Future:
“5.Open Education Resources can be fueled by $5,000 worth of professional development. They can be implemented with $500,000, and can be scaled with $10 million. They goal is not to create super online tests, but to create innovation with assessment.”
Does anyone else see this really bad looking sidebar in their new Google Calendar view (i.e., everything is really…

Does anyone else see this really bad looking sidebar in their new Google Calendar view (i.e., everything is really cut off):
Does anyone else see this really bad looking sidebar in their new Google Calendar view (i.e., everything is really…

Does anyone else see this really bad looking sidebar in their new Google Calendar view (i.e., everything is really cut off):