I still don’t want to pump anything from twitter into G+, but I like the idea of going the other way #t
You know what takes a long time?
You know what takes a long time?
Using Duplicate Annihilator to search through your 30,000 pictures in iPhoto to get rid of duplicates. We are heading into Day 2.
The only thing that took longer was uploading to Google Music.
Backup your entire Flickr account to your hard drive
I looked around for a tool to do this for about an hour last night. This was the best way I found because it can run in the background and if it gets interrupted, it will pick up where it left off. Just open up terminal and run the script.
dan/hivelogic-flickrtouchr at master – GitHub:
“A Python script to grab all your photos from flickr and dump them into a directory, organized into folders by set name.
Original author is Colm MacCárthaigh.
Changes include tweaks to download full-size original images and improvements in handling UTF8 file and photoset names.
Run it like this:
mkdir FlickrBackupFolder
python flickrtouchr.py FlickrBackupFolder
You’ll be prompted to authorize with Flickr, and then the magic happens.”
Google+: A collaborative Document
This Google Document is pretty much everything you will ever need to know about Google+. It has been written by hundreds of people all around the world and it is quite exhaustive but easily approachable. I highly recommend it as a starter’s guide, or as a way to figure out how to get the most out of Google+
So, I am going to do this too while the Google+ Iron is still hot.
So, I am going to do this too while the Google+ Iron is still hot.
I would love to create a circle for Colorado EdTech folks. I have been trying to do it as I recognize people, but it would be wonderful if you all would self identify with your location and/or School District.
I’m looking forward to having some scheduled and impromptu hangouts amongst the CO learning Crew.
Benjamin Wilkoff hung out with 2 people.Russ Goerend and Glenn Moses
Benjamin Wilkoff hung out with 2 people.Russ Goerend and Glenn Moses
I keep forgetting that I can just hover over the items on the google page and see a screenshot of what I will get…
I keep forgetting that I can just hover over the items on the google page and see a screenshot of what I will get when I click. Man, that is such a time saver.
I see we are connected in here now too. Fun indeed.
I see we are connected in here now too. Fun indeed.
I’m locked out of my gmail right now, by Google Itself. Has anyone else experienced this?
I’m locked out of my gmail right now, by Google Itself. Has anyone else experienced this?
I think this is funny. Perhaps, only fellow Reddit Edtech folks will enjoy, though.

I think this is funny. Perhaps, only fellow Reddit Edtech folks will enjoy, though.
Originally shared by Roberto Bayardo