What an amazing project
Talk about service.
Talk about service.
Google+ for iPhone has already had an update.
(as it turns out, if you downloaded the app within the first 1.5 hours of its existence, you were being served a test version instead of the official app. Good times.)
So, I am liking Float more than Instapaper.
So, I am liking Float more than Instapaper.
First, the bookmarklet is awesome.
Second, the streams of content from Twitter and Facebook are as good as any aggregator I have seen.
Third, It is really good looking.
Anyone played with it yet?
So, this is a bandwagon I would wholeheartedly jump on. Who is with me?
So, this is a bandwagon I would wholeheartedly jump on. Who is with me?
Originally shared by ****
When hipsters do great things. I’m all over this.
BuddyPress Courseware (Using Buddypress/WordPress as an LMS)
Hmm… I’m not sure if I would go as far to try and make WordPress into an LMS, but it looks really interesting (and easier to use than Moodle in a lot of ways).
BuddyPress Courseware User Handbook:
A Learning Management System addon for BuddyPress social network in a box
Edmodo profile with Ben Stein as profile picture.
Edmodo profile with Ben Stein as profile picture.
Funnier than I thought it was going to be.
This is the picture for “Special Needs” on a school website I was just looking at.
This is the picture for “Special Needs” on a school website I was just looking at. I’m really not sure what kind of message this sends.
This is the picture for “Special Needs” on a school website I was just looking at. I’m really not sure what kind of…
This is the picture for “Special Needs” on a school website I was just looking at. I’m really not sure what kind of message this sends.
Listening to others’ playlists on Spotify is just really nice.
Listening to others’ playlists on Spotify is just really nice.
Is anyone else having trouble with the Google Talk plugin crashing every time you try to join a hangout?
Is anyone else having trouble with the Google Talk plugin crashing every time you try to join a hangout?
If so, got any ideas on a fix?