Learning is Change

So, search is pretty much the Google+ killer app for me today. I can’t believe how much good content is being shared…

So, search is pretty much the Google+ killer app for me today. I can’t believe how much good content is being shared right now. I have just added a whole bunch of new folks to circles, just from searching a few things. And now that the platform is open to anyone, we should really start seeing content flying through. At least, I hope so.

I like it here.

So, search is pretty much the Google+ killer app for me today.

So, search is pretty much the Google+ killer app for me today. I can’t believe how much good content is being shared right now. I have just added a whole bunch of new folks to circles, just from searching a few things. And now that the platform is open to anyone, we should really start seeing content flying through. At least, I hope so.

I like it here.

This is a wonderful essay:

This is a wonderful essay:

“Let me posit a duplication theory of education value: if something can be duplicated with limited costs, it can’t serve as a value point for higher education. Content is easily duplicated and has no value. What is valuable, however, is that which can’t be duplicated without additional input costs: personal feedback and assessment, contextualized and personalized navigation through complex topics, encouragement, questioning by a faculty member to promote deeper thinking, and a context and infrastructure of learning. Basically: human input costs make education valuable. We can’t duplicate personal interaction without spending more money. We can scale content, but we can’t scale encouragement. We can improve lecturing through peer teaching, but we can’t scale the timely interventions and nudges by faculty that influence deeper learning.”


What I'm Learning: Enquiry Blog Builder

This is a really amazing WordPress plugin project from The Open University. I can’t wait to hear about folks using this in their reflective practice.

WordPress › Enquiry Blog Builder « WordPress Plugins:

“MoodView – This displays a line graph plotting the mood of the student as their enquiry progresses. The widget displays the past few moods and allows a new one to be selected at any time. Changing moods (a hard coded drop-down list from ‘going great’ to ‘it’s a disaster’) creates a new blog entry with an optional reason for the mood change. The graph is created using the included Flot JavaScript library.”


What I'm Learning: Bloggers Circle

Really interesting Concept for creating a community of writers within a wordpress environment.

WordPress › Bloggers Circle « WordPress Plugins:


“Similar to a traditional writers circle, but with a work-flow optimized for bloggers. This helps you get and give constructive criticism of your drafts, without annoying your friends.

Creative writing is surprisingly hard, and it takes time and patience to become a better writer. By both receiving and giving criticism, we can use this tool to become better writers faster.”