I’m not sure where this idea came from, but I wanted to get it out before I moved on to the next thing:
Wat if we encouraged everyone we knew to host “Learning Open Houses”, in which they would demonstrate exactly what they were learning and how they were learning it? What if we let others talk about their own learning as a way of letting others into their world? What if we hosted events online where we just sat and listened to one another show off their learning artifacts?
What if we asked one another every day, “What are you learning right now, and would you show it to me?”
I want that. I want to see the environments that others are creating around themselves that best spur their learning. I want to see students hold Learning Open Houses and I want to see employees do the same. I want to see demonstrated learning all over the place, and not just in short tweets or in random serendipity. I want to see extended conversations, where I get a formal invitation to come and look at someone else’s learning.
I want Learning Open Houses to be like art exibits, but where you get to touch and manipulate the art.
I want Learning Open Houses to be like Back to School Nights, but where everyone is showing off their “school of one”.
This idea is hitting me over the head again and again the more that I think about it.
What would you do in a Learning Open House? How would you plan it? Where would you host it? Who would you invite to show your learning to?